If you want to know the path of a file on a MAC, you can display it. But how? We would like to show you how you can display the file path of a file on your Mac, and it is very simple.

How to get the file path on a Mac?


To find out where your file is located, simply right-click on the file in the Finder of Mac OS X. 1.

1. Right-click on the file and select "Information".

2. A new window will open where you can now see the path to the file under "General".

However, the file path is not yet displayed with slashes as usual. Therefore, you must now use the following workaround to have the file path displayed:

Now another window appears in which Mac OS X displays information about the file. Under General you can see the type and size as well as the location. This is the path to the file. However, not yet in the usual notation with slashes, i.e. for example.

3.To get the classic display, mark the path in the info window and copy it to the clipboard. The easiest way to do this is to use the key combination Command + C.

4. Now open an application where you can paste text. Now press the keys Command + V to paste the previously copied path.

The file path is now displayed in the proven notation including slashes.

You now know how to easily copy a file path under Mac OS.

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