If you use the iPhone 13, you might want to see the battery indicator in percent. Due to the reduced status bar, which is caused by the cutout for the camera, it is no longer possible to display the battery status in percent directly in the status bar on the iPhone 13.

Display of the battery in percent via the control center

iPhone 13 battery percentage

To quickly check the actual percentage of remaining battery charge, you need to open the Control Center. To do so, swipe down from the battery icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

When the Control Center is open, you will see the battery level percentage in the upper right corner of the screen.

Viewing the percentage indicator in a widget

The iPhone 13 offers another way to quickly check the remaining battery charge. Thus, a widget has been integrated, which can be added to the homescreen.

To add the Battery widget, hold your finger on any app icon until a menu appears, then select Edit Homescreen. Next, tap on the plus button in the upper left corner of the display.

Now navigate to "Add Widget" and add the "Battery" widget. Done will position the widget in the right place.

You now know how to display the battery charge percentage on an iPhone 13.

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